What makes Ulysses also good at long-form writing is its organisational structure. Other features include goal setting, photo attachment, keyword search, and inbuilt notes. You can even link your WordPress and Medium account and directly publish your articles without living the app. You can export any document into Text, PDF, HTML, ePub, and Docx formats. One of my favourite features of Ulysses is its exporting capabilities. You can use different themes to customize the look and feel of Ulysses, I personally love to use it in the dark mode.

The idea here is that a writer does not have to use anything other than the keyboard to interact with the app. The text-editor supports markdown formatting, meaning you can use certain symbols to format your text. At any given time, you can hide the panes and only use the text editor to get a distraction-free environment. The right pane is the text editor and it’s where all the magic happens. The Middle pane is called sheets and holds all your individual documents. You can even store files on other cloud storage spaces such as Dropbox using the external folder. You can choose to save the files on either iCloud drive or locally on Mac. The left pane is called the Library which houses your main navigation area including folders, trash, and storage options. The interface is divided into three major panes. When you launch the app for the first time, you are greeted by an interface which is simple and yet so powerful. Ulysses achieves this feat by creating a perfect amalgamation of features and usability. You can as easily write a novel on Ulysses as you can a blog post. Ulysses is the only app which is equally good at both of them. Some apps are best suited for short-form writing while others focus more on the long-form content creation. So, let’s find out the best writing apps for macOS you can get today: Best Apps for Novel or Blog Writing 1. That is why we have tried to include different apps which will suit different requirements. Some of us are aspiring scriptwriters while others are trying to complete their thesis and papers. Some are bloggers and dabble in small-form writing while others are looking to write full-fledged novels. Explore the collection now.Now, no one app can fulfil all these criteria for everyone as each one of us follow a different form of writing. Use a Word letter template to get your words out and make a lasting impression. And what letter template collection would be complete without a letter to Santa template? Your kids will love it.
There is also a series of free letter templates with healthcare and benefits messaging, suitable for medical practices and small businesses. These letter templates include sample text that can be customized or altered to fit your needs. A letter format designed specifically for letters that are challenging to write, like letters of recommendation or resignation letters, is particularly useful. There’s a variety of letter templates to suit a range of needs, from a formal business letter template for clients, to a friendly personal letter template for grandma. A letter template in Word is easy to use, with built-in recommendations for content and layout. Interested in replying to a job posting? Eager to send a heartfelt thanks? Start with a free letter template from Microsoft. Make a lasting impression with letter templates for Microsoft Word